Kim Clement Prophetic Word "Trump Assassinations' Attempt Prophecy" #tru...

April 2nd, 2005 - Portland, OR- A New Pope, Great Leaders Pass, Assasination Attempt, Resurrection of the Dead, Rappers In The Kingdom, Marketplace Evangelism, 50 Cent, Eminem and an Unknown

April 2, 2005 - Portland, OR

A New Pope
In this day where death took place from an office that was so high, a shaking shall begin through these summer months where great leaders of yesterday will lay down their sword and they shall meet their Maker. For the time of the death has come where I will remove some of the old and then millions and millions shall come into the Kingdom at one moment.

For in 21 days from now a shaking will take place in the Roman Catholic Church. They will say, No it can not be.Why would they elect such a person? And then they will say, No we can not do it at this time. But it shall be done and I will bring the Spirit into the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican. There will be an infilling of the Spirit of the Cardinals and the priests. This day I have received a servant. This day you call him the Pope. This day I call him My son. This day you said a pope has died, this day I say a servant has won. I have raised up a new voice and a new spirit that shall come into Italy, and I shall invade Europe in a way that I have planned thousands of years ago. Where they shall say, What is happening in these places? The Spirit of God shall fall in buildings of rock and stone. It shall fall in places where they least believed it. I will cause chaos and I will say to them now I will take people by the hundreds of millions and share my Spirit with them. For I will raise up a man that shall continue, and they will say in the beginning he won't be able to do it. But there shall be an experience after 33 days and a raising up and a resurrection. And a Spirit filled pope that will raise up a voice, and he shall speak the truth, and they will say, We must get him out of the way. But rejoice this day for there are deaths of many great leaders, because it is necessary so that I can raise up a new generation of men and women that will go in to the marketplace and raise up the name of Yahweh.

Read prophecy about new Pope from April 13, 2003 Click Here

Great Leaders Pass
I'm going to welcome my leaders into eternity this year. Some of them old and frail. Some of them just breathing their last. This is the beginning of deaths. The beginning of many deaths. But would you say like My great apostle said, where is your sting? Where is your victory? Pray. For even as Eli is taken I'm welcoming them into my Kingdom. Even as a very old sick man died today, this is the beginning of many that will come and depart from this earth. Why O church of Mine are you sad? This is a new day. This is a day where many great young men shall be raised up. Can David truly reign while Saul lives? Can Samuel truly prophesy while Eli exists? No. I must remove so I can replace with a double portion and with a greater anointing.

Assassination Attempt
And some would say, what about the gatekeeper of this Nation? What about him? He prays and took the mantle of Ronald Reagan so that this Nation may experience great revival. Great breakthrough, great, great, great, great breakthrough. But truly there shall be one that shall attempt to lead three others to his side to kill and to take out. But am I with you tonight where My warriors will stop an assassination because your prayers will make the difference.

Tonight I looked to My people. I looked to the warriors of this city to cover the prophets. And in the White House you have a prophet. A man that shall call into being, things that are not existing yet. Why? Because he is not just a President. He is a shepherd and a prophet that shall deal with the eastern powers. He shall deal with the eastern gods and Babylon the great shall fall. Babylon the great shall fall, shall fall, shall fall. The Daniels that have prayed shall stand before the kings of the east. Your P:resident shall live because I called him to look for the fire and to look for the cloud in this nation. I called him to lead many that are in obscurity into the light and into the truth. Maybe you do not agree but agree with one thing. Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord and I will raise up a move of My Spirit in this nation as never before. Beginning the month of May there shall be one death and then another death but then ten others shall be raised up throughout the earth that shall be prophets to this nation.

I am giving you what you need tonight. I'm breaking the power of death over the righteous ones.

Resurrection of the Dead
"There is going to be a sound of triumph. Unusual miracles will begin to take place. Throughout this nation you have been provoked by Africa, you have been provoked by Asia, you have been provoked by South America. When millions are gathering together I have not left this nation You shall have the same and greater. The same miracles and greater. For there shall be the resurrection of the dead. I will raise to life that which has died. The resurrection of the dead is beginning.

Rappers in the Kingdom
A cult group from Santa Barbara, California who has effected many many states has risen up with a diabolical plan for the children of this nation. Today I put my words in the mouth of a musician who once spoke of hell as his house of pleasure. Korn. I raised up one man from that punk rock persuasion to prophesy over 50. To prophesy over 50 cents. I'm raising up 3 rappers to combat a cult group that has been raised up to infiltrate the schools, colleges, young people and the children. Three rappers shall be filled with My Spirit and they shall stand against this diabolical demonic force and bring hundreds of thousands of kids to the millions into the Kingdom of light.

Evangelism to the Marketplace
Tonight I must increase the influence and the authority of the prophets. I do not send Kim to you to look good in a red shirt. It represents fire. It represents blood. It shall be that the fire shall consume your enemies but the blood shall wash a generation clean. And this is not because of evangelists only but the prophets will go to the marketplace and the marketplace will accept them. They will not be comfortable prophesying in the church they will not be comfortable prophesying to light, they will only be comfortable prophesying to darkness.

50 Cent, Eminem and an Unknown
I will raise from rock groups, from rap artists, I will raise from sportsmen and they will speak out the word that the musicians and the rappers already experienced in prophesying without the Spirit, but now they are going to prophesy with the Spirit and with the fire and that will raise up a generation that shall be filled with the fire of God and consumed with his seal.

Be aware of this, 50, 50, 50! Maybe you have no idea who this is. But now is the greatest voice in this nation. It shall come to pass that 50 shall be known as 50 because there are no cents. For there is one thing that shall happen. The Spirit shall come upon him. And they shall say, is he amongst the prophets as well? Then Eminem shall say, I know that I was born for this, I know that I was born for this. There is one more. He is unknown but shall become famous overnight He shall be in darkness for a short period and 50 and Eminem shall overshadow him and there shall be a three fold chord that will not be broken. Why am I saying this? Because America you have let your children go. You've let them go because you've not disciplined them. But I will bring them back swiftly. Because you know why? I have raised up a President to watch over the nation. Now I'm raising up watchmen on the wall in the music world so that your children will come out saying, something happened when I said those words. I began to speak in other languages the mysterious God of the earth shall take your children and this generation and raise them up as Samuels, Davids, Jeremiahs and Isaiahs, Obadiahs in this generation. "

Source/credit: Prophet Kim Clement, 


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